Shellna M. Dew

EmojiShalom, my brother Watchman Yahu and sister Deborah Yah! Because of your ministry, I have been encouraged to read and study more than I have ever. Today, I have a closer relationship with Yahuwah and a better understanding of what the true meaning of being chosen is all about. I am so happy that the Most High Yah allowed our paths to cross one another. All Praises to YAHUWAH’s infinite wisdom that he has given you to share with us and your ability to interact with people the way you do. It is so refreshing and such a wonderful blessing to me when I listen to you. I am inspired to be a more diligent and humbler servant for Yahuwah’s purpose and perfect will for my life. I am forever grateful for you helping me realize the truth in YAHUWAH’S word. Your ministry channel has taught me so much more than I could have ever learned in the church, particularly about the world’s misconception about how not to judge them, to silence you when they are entangled in sin. I have also learned that I better judge myself so that Yahuwah does not have to do it. The replaced books that were taken out of the Bible, has truly helped change my life forever.

I understand that I must dig deep within my heart and get rid of anything that will cause me to miss YAH’S blessing. I thank Yahuwah for showing me through your ministry what true love for Him and for each other looks like. Most importantly I appreciate you warning us to repent and turn away from our wicked ways. I have surrendered my soul to my Abba YAH and to love and serve Him with all my heart, I will work out my own salvation with fear and trembling. I am willing to be the light, that He has chosen me to be and hope that I’m ready when YAHUSHA HA’ MASHIACH returns. I hope and pray that your ministry will continue to bless and open the eyes of many, who are ready to hear and accept the truth whether they like it or not. Especially those who have a teachable spirit and a willing heart to receive instruction from YAHUWAH through his servants and precious jewels that you both are; specially designed by Elohim’s hands.

I Love and Thank You, Emoji

Shellna M. Dew